About Me

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Manhattan, Kansas, United States
I'm a 33 year old woman finding her own way in life, while being a mother of almost 7 yr old girl Angel, going to college full-time and working as many hours as i can to get by. I've lived in Kansas all my life growing up in SW and now living in The ne corner for 12 years. My ex is a medically-disabled/retired OIF/OEF veteran (TBI,PTSD) and my daughter is topping the scales on height and knowledge of her age. I'm just along for the ride sometimes :)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I need a life jacket

You know how sometimes you hit a rough patch in your life? Treading water and trying to keep from going under that third time? I have hit that spot while going over Niagra Falls in an inner tube...

After many years of being unhappy and putting myself last over my husband and daughters wants and needs, I have had enough. I told my husband I didn't love him anymore (for about the last three years), that I was tired of not being important in his life. Naturally, he didn't take that well. Coincidentally, he had just had an 'epiphany' and realized what a jacka$$ he's been for the last three years and wanted to fix everything miraculously. All those broken promises, forgotten holidays, and ignored family plans were supposed to be forgotten simply because he said he was sorry.

So over the course of the last three weeks, I've had to call the police twice because of his temper, file a Protection From Abuse order, and go into hiding twice. My family members and friends have been threatened and lied to by my soon-to-be-ex and complete strangers on Facebook have seen how bipolar he is. I don't want to keep Angel from him, but she's scared of him, and the judge (granting the PFA) went against my request and said that Jason would NOT get any contact with Angel at all... At least for the temporary, 10-day order.

I'm in financial upheaval as well. I have no income and need to find a job ASAP, but want to finish my college. Also, I'd have to deal with finding someone to watch Angel while I work; which isn't easy or cheap.

There's times I feel such relief because I won't have to deal with him anymore. Then there's anxiety on how I'll manage it by myself. And those little twinges of fear of being alone. But also, some sadness in that I don't know if my heart will ever be able to heal enough, and break down walls enough to ever fall in love again.

I have felt some happiness over the last few weeks, thanks to my friends. One friend in particular makes me smile without even knowing it. But that's a post for another time...

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