About Me

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Manhattan, Kansas, United States
I'm a 33 year old woman finding her own way in life, while being a mother of almost 7 yr old girl Angel, going to college full-time and working as many hours as i can to get by. I've lived in Kansas all my life growing up in SW and now living in The ne corner for 12 years. My ex is a medically-disabled/retired OIF/OEF veteran (TBI,PTSD) and my daughter is topping the scales on height and knowledge of her age. I'm just along for the ride sometimes :)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 2: Where I'd like to be in 10 years...

In 10 years, I'll be 41 (shhh, that's just a secret between you and me) and Angel will be 14/15. I have a feeling, that year will rival the current one in terms of difficult child-rearing LOL. We'd be bargaining for chores over make-up and family nights vs dating... All that aside, here's how I like to imagine our life will be playing out in 2021...

*I'd have graduated from K-State with my Bachelors in Agri-business.
*Jason and Angel have a quality father-daughter bond, in spite of how the first couple years went (with his PTSD/TBI issues)
*Angel and I spend mother-daughter time at the beauty salon, shopping, gossipping over hollywood stars, and have that deep friendship that allows her to feel comfortable discussing anything with me -- even that dreaded 3-letter word discussion (S-E-X)
*Angel will be doing very well in school and love learning! Hopefully, she will have found her "knack" at something -- whether it's Piano, Singing, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Dance, whatever...
*We'll be living in San Antonio, TX. Close by the BAM-C medical center/Ft Sam Houston. This would allow us to live VERY close to one of the largest military hospitals in the US, so that Jason would be able to get immediate and constant monitering for his PTSD & TBI meds. We were stationed at BAM-C when Jason was first injured and fell in love with the area and the people there were so helpful!! And there's sooooo much to do there for a retired soldier (and his family)
*My mom would be able to come down for a couple weeks every other month to visit us (at our expense because of my fabulous job that I have -- whatever it may be!)

That's really all that I have pictured or want to happen at this moment. I try to be fairly realistic -- I know we'll all be arguing over bedtime, Jason will have his days where the meds don't help, I'll have mood swings..... But we'll have each other and our love. (wow, that was cheesy. sorry).... :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,

    I have a question about your site, would you mind emailing me back @ kthomas@primroseschools.com?

