So, as much as I love Christmas and the idea of the New Year (fresh start, best day to begin improving yourself, etc), I despise all the commotion and constant go-go-go motion we're in. For the better part of a month, either we've all traveled somewhere, had celebrations to attend, had invitations to go out with friends, and so on. Don't get me wrong, I had a wonderful time during all this!! I just need my downtime to recharge once in a while; and my batteries have been trying to quit for about 2 weeks LOL.
It wasn't until this weekend, when I told Angel that her and I (Hubby's at a dart tournament) wouldn't go anywhere at all this weekend, that we'd just stay home, that I realized she hated the constant plans also. On Saturday night, when I was tucking her in, she asked what we'd do the next day. I said that we'd stay at home all day long -- and she literally cheered! She wooped it up and said that she LOVES staying home! hmmm.... made me take a look at my own hectic life.
1) I work full-time, at a job that I am less enthusiastic for. Actually, it's the boss lady that I'm unenthusiastic about. A dictator that has little training in human resource skills, that is threatened by my own advances, and very obviously gives special favors towards her friends and punishes others. When I started at this job 2 years ago, I felt excited everytime I pulled into the parking lot. Within the last 6 months, I've been dreading it -- actually getting a sick feeling in my stomach. So, I have applied for a different job within the company. Had a really good interview on Monday and now am just playing the waiting game. Which brings a whole different nervous-sick feeling to my tummy LOL.
2) I'm a Mom. Let's face it, that's a whole 'nother job in itself! Trying to clean house, cook, tackle laundry, keep 3 cats and a gaggle of fish alive and happy, take care of my daughter, manage my husbands Dr. schedule and moodswings, organize/downsize my belongings (I've joined PackRats Anonymous), my cross-stitch and sewing projects, the multitude of community service projects I want to do... Well, that's a full day right there! Crammed into only a couple hours each weekday. Oh, and add in sick days, and there's no time for ME! Well, I guess I have 45 minutes at lunchtime during the week. If only I didn't need to use that time for.....
3) I'm going back to school. I am enrolled in a local community college online, and taking 13 hours worth of classes. 4 classes -- Accounting, MacroEcon, Human Development, Biology. All need to be completed by mid-May, which gives me approximately 4 months. I really think I may have stepped in over my head on this one. Granted, I have already taken the first 3 (then had to quit school for personal reasons so never passed them) so I do have that working for me. But I wasn't quite realistic on finding study time for these classes.
Angel has her sticker chart (which is working wonderfully on helping me out and behaving!!) and so I've decided I'm going to need to make up a printed Schedule/chart for my own use. Dividing out the chores that need done and marking times that I *have* to study uninterrupted. Erma Bombeck would be proud. :) If I land this new job, there's possibilities of me traveling to different areas of Kansas in times of heavy claims, so that'd throw a whole new wrench into schedules.
But you know, I think I'm up for it. After all, I'm a Mom. And Mom's can do anything! (right?)
About Me
- Sandy Myers
- Manhattan, Kansas, United States
- I'm a 33 year old woman finding her own way in life, while being a mother of almost 7 yr old girl Angel, going to college full-time and working as many hours as i can to get by. I've lived in Kansas all my life growing up in SW and now living in The ne corner for 12 years. My ex is a medically-disabled/retired OIF/OEF veteran (TBI,PTSD) and my daughter is topping the scales on height and knowledge of her age. I'm just along for the ride sometimes :)
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